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About Us

Kelly Bowers is the owner of the Healing Arts Business Academy and has been teaching and writing about the business of massage since 2003. Like the best things in her life, she fell into both massage and business education by accident but fell in love with both of them.

Her passion is to make business skills and knowledge accessible to non-business people, like massage therapists. Humor, compassion, and plain language are her tools. She’s got a great gift for translating the language of business to the heart and minds of people in the healing arts profession.

She retired from hands-on work in 2022 (after 22 years) and now she devotes all her energies to helping massage therapists set up and run private practice.

She’s written four books on the business of massage (the 5th one is in process, with a 6th one in the wings) and writes for Massage Magazine. She’s an NCBTMB-approved provider of continuing education and teaches in professional training programs.

You can also regularly catch her presenting at professional conferences and speaking to student groups.

She knows that when we are able to take care of ourselves, we are much better suited to taking care of our clients. And that means making the money we need and having the practices we find fulfilling.

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